What Will the IT Industry Look Like in 20 Years?

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What Will the IT Industry Look Like in 20 Years?

Twenty years ago, the internet was not widely used, mobile phones were as big as walkie-talkies and no one had ever heard of e-commerce. In that amount of time, people have managed to change the world drastically. If you’re missing a loved one, you can call them anytime through your mobile phone. There’s no need to look for a phone attached to a cord. If you need help with your homework or you want to figure out how to fix your sink, you can just look it up on the internet.  There are so many advancements in technology that have changed our lives over the years.

 Advancements in Technology Will Look Like This in 20 Years

Looking for a date? There are multiple apps for you to choose from. Wondering where to take your date? There are an endless array of how-to guides online and corresponding reviews of restaurants and experiences you can try. The world is an easier and better place to live in because of information technology.

Have you ever thought about what it would look like another 20 years from now? Would we still have mobile phones? What would e-commence be like? Would IT jobs still be the same? To give you a glimpse into the future of IT, here are some predictions that experts think will come true in the next 20 years.

Big Data will take over the world.

In the span of a decade, big data has become indispensable to companies worldwide. It tells them everything from the best marketing approach to reach more customers and convert their curiosity into sales to how they can streamline their supply chain. There is so much use for this technology, and in the next 20 years, the world will see it fully integrated into all our systems.

Surveillance will be unstoppable.

As much as people hate to admit it, the world is becoming easier to monitor. Give it two more decades and it will become inevitable. With the combination of cameras, sensors, wireless communication satellites and GPS, there will be no untraceable location, person or event. Eventually, we will be tracking ourselves, each other, governments and even corporations.

Automation is the way to go.

Today, much of what’s automated are blue collar, repetitive jobs that clearly robots can do so much faster and more efficiently. Eventually, companies will look to robots and automation for even the more difficult functions in the business, such as marketing, finance and IT. Not only will this reduce their bottom line expenses, it also expedites tasks and ensures high-quality performance.

What do you predict for technology in the next 20 years?  Let us know in the comments below!

